Characteristics of organic silicon, and its benefits on animal health

Silicon is the second element in the mineral world after oxygen, it is found widely spread in the earth’s crust (around 25%).

In mammals, many macro-biological molecules contain silicon atoms and there are as many of them as with iron in their organism: Hyaluronic acid, for example an essential constituent of synovia, is the glycoprotein containing the highest amount of silicon.
However, silicon is hardly assimilated by the body in its mineral state, except through certain plants, such as common horsetail or bamboo. These plants have been known since antiquity for their beneficial effects on arthritic problems, notably the Salerne School in the Middle Ages.

With age, the level of silicon in livings beings diminishes considerably, whereas daily needs are increasingly less ensured due to modern food methods, so the intake of bio-available silicon counteracts the ageing process and the pathological sclerosis of the arteries, cartilage and the skin.
Silicon has been neglected in medicine and research, although much serious scientific information, unfortunately scarce, establishes its biological importance.

Recent research over the last 20 years has shown that it is particularly the organic components of silicon, derived from the silanol family, with carbon atoms associated with hydrogen, which have the ability to be highly bio-disposable and easily assimilated with remarkable pharmacological benefits on cellular metabolism and the integrity of conjunctive tissue, collagen, elastine, and structural glycoproteins such as cartilage.

In nature there are three main groups of silicon compounds:

1  Mineral silicon like sand, very little assimilable by the body, with the exception of Zeolites of volcanic origin.

2 Colloidal silicon: tixosil, nettle extracts, meadowsweet, very bioavailable and assimilable bamboo sap.

3 Organic silicon: the most assimilable, mono methyl silanetriol, dimethyl silanediol, trimethylsilanol.

In our products in tablet or powder form such as Canisil and the Canivida it is colloidal silicon and in our products in liquid form like Vetosil it's organic silicon. 

Download an explanatory file about organic silicon. Click on the icon below. To those who think, or who say there is no scientific basis to confirm the biological role of Silicon and its medical interest, here is some reading material! :

rarBig.gifSilicium dossier (0.05 MB)



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