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What to do if your dog is afraid of everything?

Posted on2 Years ago by 338

Like humans and other animals, the dog can fear something. Fear is a beneficial and essential emotion for survival. It dictates to the dog the best attitude to adopt in the face of danger: flee or fight. But, if his fear borders on irrationality and causes him to suffer from anxiety, there is a problem you need to solve.

Accustom the dog to the object of his fears

It is necessary to ensure that the object which frightens the dog becomes for him a banal and harmless thing. To encourage your companion during the exercises, bring a handful of dog kibble. You also need a good dose of patience.

What to do to help the dog

To help the dog get rid of his fear, you have to confront him with the object or the situation he fears. If the dog is afraid of thunder, encourage him to get out from under the bed during thunderstorm days. For example, start by posting yourself at the window to show him that lightning and thunder do not scare you. Then, call him by offering him some kibble. Invite him to stay next to you, always offering him treats. You can take out his favorite toy to help him relax more. If he is afraid of other dogs, find calm and gentle dogs first. Talk to your loved one or other owners you meet in the park. When your companion evolves in the middle of these, he gradually gets rid of the fear of others. Your pet will eventually share meals, treats, and toys with others.

The attitude to adopt

Do not show signs that make the animal believe that it is right to be afraid, as this reinforces its fear. In front of a gate behind which a group of dogs are barking loudly, do not change sides of the street. Show your dog that this is a normal situation you may encounter on walks. Remain calm, if you also apprehend the situation, know that the dog senses your fear. Pay no attention to your dog's fear reactions. By paying attention to his fears, you reinforce his behavior. Do not take him in your arms and especially do not caress him in order to reassure him. If he is afraid of a vacuum, hold the vacuum and ask your dog to come closer. You can also deliberately leave the vacuum in the dog's personal space so that it becomes familiar to him.

How to react to the chronic fear of the dog?

Chronic fear is intense and prolonged fear that can leave the dog permanently stressed. This may be the result of a lack of socialization when he was still a puppy. It may also be because of trauma from an accident or the mistreatment he has suffered.

Improve the physical conditions of the dog

A dog can be fearful because he feels weak and vulnerable. Help him to get rid of this feeling of inferiority by helping him to become strong and healthy. Give your pooch quality kibble that meets his energy needs. Make him do physical exercises and activities that require effort. Ball, stick, frisbee... these fun games allow the dog to have fun and forget his fears. At the same time, they strengthen his muscles and improve his respiratory and heart health. Take him to a veterinary clinic for a full checkup of his health. This makes it possible to detect traumas which escape the gaze, but which arouse the permanent fear of the doggie. The medical analysis also makes it possible to identify health problems that are difficult to detect, such as Rubarth's hepatitis. The latter causes abdominal pain that can make the dog suspicious when approached.

Strengthen the fearful dog's self-confidence

Make your dog more dynamic and fiery by taking him to an environment conducive to his development. A good idea is to take your dog to the countryside. There you can encourage him to chase birds and small animals. You can also encourage him to explore a burrow, to bark to scare away larger animals. Always with the aim of making your dog active, always make positive associations: offer the animal kibble or a treat when it passes a test. We have also seen that food can encourage the dog to face its fear. Choose an easily digestible food that gives your companion energy.

The attitudes to adopt

You do what you want your dog to do first. Run like crazy behind the animals while smiling at your dog. However, this is not about chasing a poisonous boar or snake. Having fun with a butterfly or a toad is already a big step forward for a fearful dog. These tips will help you turn your fearful dog into a dynamic and courageous dog. At the same time, be your pet's landmark by showing your calm and kindness in all situations.

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