More and people are turning to natural products to prevent and treat disorders that affect our health.
People are looking to treat their animals with these effective products with no side effects : Labo Demeter has created and produced preparations for dogs, cats and horses, using the combined benefits of ORGANIC SILICON, PROBIOTICS and PHYTOTHERAPY to treat ARTHRITIS and ageing as well as other ailments..
These products have all been approved by vets and used on many animals.
You can refer to the COMMENTS section on our site.We have also worked on improving the taste of our food supplements which is satisfactory in 80% of cases which can be considered excellent.
We are always trying to improve our existing products and to create new preparations, and soon we will be commercialising a natural phytotherapeutic anti-worm treatment.
We would like some feedback from you so that we can progress and help you more, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by email, phone, letter and on our form.